A virtual stack machine

17 February 2018 — https://latenightsnack.io

A virtual machine is a simulated computer. Computers are highly predictable machines, whose behavior only depend on their program, inputs, and previous state. If we have knowledge of all those elements, we can reproduce the machine in software entirely.

Specifically, this is a stack machine, which gets its name from the stack it uses as its main data structure. A stack is a pile of values, where entries get placed and taken from the top. Most operations pop one or two operands from the top of the stack, and push back the results.

This is not an emulator of a real machine, but an ideal machine, with infinite memory and few limitations on data size, where all instructions execute in one cycle, and there is no need to respect tight timings or synchronize with other devices. This is only possible because it runs on a high-level run-time (the javascript engine) which abstract all of these problems away from us.

I designed this machine to be nimble, readable, yet expressive and fun to play with.

Get the code or try it out!

Let's start with a program

This is a short program that computes ten iterations of the fibonacci sequence.

A program is a contiguous sequence of numbers, called opcodes, each one representing a different instruction, optionally followed by their data. Together, they are referred to as the machine code. Execution starts from the first instruction, and continues until the end of the program is reached.

Our program memory is represented as read-only memory, a type of memory that cannot be written back. It is the only external input our machines has. Program memory is separate from application memory, a configuration known as Harvard architecture, and machine code cannot access it. Among other things, this means that a program cannot modify itself, or provide additional code for execution.

The most astute among you might notice that this program could be much shorter, while retaining the same functionality. Try and see how much you can optimize it.

function main() { compute([ // Initialize operands and counter, store into memory 0x01, 10, 0x01, 0, 0x07, // PUSH 10; PUSH 0; STORE 0x01, 1, 0x01, 1, 0x07, // PUSH 1; PUSH 1; STORE 0x01, 1, 0x01, 2, 0x07, // PUSH 1; PUSH 2; STORE // Load operands from memory into the stack 0x01, 1, 0x06, // PUSH 1; LOAD 0x01, 2, 0x06, // PUSH 2; LOAD // Keep a copy of the first operand and sum them 0x04, // OVER 0x10, // ADD // Printing consumes the value, so we duplicate it 0x03, 0x0F, // DUP; OUT // Store result and previous operand into memory 0x01, 1, 0x07, // PUSH 1; STORE 0x01, 2, 0x07, // PUSH 2; STORE // Load counter into the stack, decrement and store back 0x01, 0, 0x06, // PUSH 0; LOAD 0x01, 1, 0x11, // SUB 1 0x03, 0x01, 0, 0x07, // DUP; PUSH 0; STORE // Unless counter is zero, jump back to start of loop 0x01, -29, 0x0A, // PUSH -29; JNZ ]); }

The virtual machine

Let's design our virtual machine:

It shall be simple, straight-forward, and not too adorned. It shall be possible to understand all of it in a single reading. Everything we put in, has to be there for a reason.

It shall be powerful enough to express many classic algorithms and other interesting data processing problems, but not so powerful that it becomes complicated to understand.

It shall be completely deterministic. Given the same state, it shall produce the same results. Nothing shall be hidden or implicit. Everything it does shall happen under the sun.

Most importantly, it shall be easy and fun to program for.

Alright, let's get to it.

This data structure can represent the full state of the machine at any point in time. Given the same program and the same state, the machine will always produce the same results.

The basic data type is the floating point number. The contents of the program memory are provided externally, and a program counter points to the location of the next instruction to execute. A boolean flag tracks whether the machine is halted. Neither application memory or stack are limited in size.

function create(rom) { return { rom, // Program memory pc: 0, // Program counter ram: [], // Application memory stack: [], // Data stack halted: false, // Execution interrupted }; }

The fetch-decode-execute cycle is the basic operational step of the machine. Opcodes are fetched from program memory, and decoded into instructions, which are then executed internally, bringing the machine to a new state with the results of the operation.

function cycle(state) { if (state.halted) return; const opcode = fetch(state); // Fetch const instruction = decode(opcode); // Decode instruction(state); // Execute if (state.pc >= state.rom.length) state.halted = true; }

Fetching an opcode involves reading a value from program memory, at the location pointed to by the program counter, which gets immediately incremented to be ready for the next fetch.

function fetch(state) { const value = state.rom[state.pc++]; // Increment PC after read if (typeof value !== 'number') throw `Illegal value, '${value}'`; return value; }

An opcode is an instruction codified into a value. A translation table defines which instruction the opcode should map to. Most real machines employ a similar system, using a small memory to map opcodes to the appropriate circuitry.

function decode(opcode) { const instruction = instructions[opcode]; if (!instruction) throw `Illegal opcode, '${opcode}'`; return instruction; }

To simulate a complete run, we start from a clean state, like in a freshly-started machine, and we keep cycling from state to state until the machine halts.

function compute(rom) { const state = create(rom); while (!state.halted) cycle(state); }


To operate the machine, we define a set of primitives that will be composed together to form the actual instructions. These primitives, called microinstructions, control specific subsystems of the machine, and stand at a lower level than even machine code.

Their orthogonality is an important feature: they don't overlap in function, while covering still the entire feature set: this is what allows them to be composed in arbitrary fashions, to create many kinds of concrete instructions.

Just by looking at them, you can get a good idea of what the core capabilities of a machine are.

The stack

The stack is a collection of elements that is operated by placing or taking values from its tail. Most instructions consume one or more operands from the stack, and push back the results.

This machine has just one stack, which is not part of application memory. There are no limits to its length, so we can push as many items as we want. Popping from an empty stack is very often a bug, so, conveniently, trying to do that produces an error.

function push(state, value) { state.stack.push(value); } function pop(state) { if (state.stack.length < 1) throw 'Popping from empty stack'; return state.stack.pop(); }

Application memory

Application memory is an array of cells, each one identified by a sequential address number and capable of holding one value. This type of memory can be read from and written to at any point in time and at arbitrary locations.

There are no size limits, so there is a potentially infinite amount of locations. However, it's not allowed to address locations behind address zero.

function load(state, address) { if (address < 0) throw `Reading from illegal address, '${address}'`; return state.ram[address] || 0; } function store(state, address, value) { if (address < 0) throw `Writing to illegal address, '${address}'`; state.ram[address] = value; }

Control flow

By manipulating the value of the program counter, execution can be moved to any point in the code, an operation called jump, giving the ability to execute code multiple times in a loop.

When we pair the jump with a condition that must be true, the jump operation becomes a conditional branch, referring to execution branching in two different paths.

All the conditional branching operations can be generalized to a form such as PREDICATE ? JUMP : SKIP.

function jump(state, address) { if (address < 0) throw `Jumping before start of ROM`; if (address >= state.rom.length) throw `Jumping after end of ROM`; state.pc = address; } function branch(state, predicate) { const offset = pop(state); // Pop as many values as the parameters of the predicate function const values = Array(predicate.length).fill(state).map(pop); // Reverse order of values for a more natural usage const satisfied = predicate(...values.reverse()); // Jump by an offset if the predicate is satisfied if (satisfied) jump(state, state.pc + offset); }


All of the value operations, whether they are arithmetic, bitwise, or simple stack mutations, operate in a similar way: they pop one or more operands from the stack, combine or shuffle them to get a new value, and push back the result. Therefore, we can generalize them to a form such as A, B → B, A.

function operate(state, operation) { // Pop as many values as the parameters of the operation function const values = Array(operation.length).fill(state).map(pop); // Reverse order of values for a more natural usage const results = operation(...values.reverse()); // Push back each result in the same order results.map(result => push(state, result)); }

The instruction set

A machine is commonly defined by its instruction set. The amount, flexibility, and expressiveness of the instructions provided by the machine will make a developer remember it fondly, or hate it with their guts.

The x86 instruction set powering most desktop PCs, the ARM set found in mobile phones, and the 6502 set of 8-bit consoles are famous examples of instruction set architectures that are in use today.

Can there be an architecture other than instruction set? Of course! For example, the zero-instruction set computer can be said to have no instructions at all.

The translation table

This table maps each opcode to the instruction it references to. It is so that opcode 0x00 is mapped to the NOP instruction, 0x07 to STORE, 0x08 to JMP, and so on. Decoding an instruction is then just a matter of addressing this table with the value of the opcode.

Each instruction is actually implemented as a microprogram, made up of microinstructions to be executed in sequence.

const instructions = [ /* 0x00 */ NOP, PUSH, DROP, DUP, OVER, SWAP, LOAD, STORE, /* 0x08 */ JMP, JZ, JNZ, JE, JG, JL, HALT, OUT, /* 0x10 */ ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, NOT, AND, OR, /* 0x18 */ ];

Stack manipulation instructions

The main way to get data into the stack is by pushing a literal value, found in program code, on its top. In this machine, this is the only type of data that comes from the external world.

Because operations consume the values they pop from the stack, there are ways to duplicate values needed for future operations. Operations might also need operands to be in a different order, and while there is no way to access arbitrary positions on the stack, it is still possible to limitedly reach over the top-most value.

function PUSH(state) { const value = fetch(state); push(state, value); } function DROP(state) { return operate(state, ( a) => [ ]) } function DUP (state) { return operate(state, ( a) => [a, a ]) } function SWAP(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [b, a ]) } function OVER(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a, b, a]) }

Memory access instructions

Random-access memory allows reading and writing from and to arbitrary locations of memory. The address of the location is always taken from the stack. When reading from a location, a value is placed on top of the stack, otherwise, another value will be popped from the stack, to be written to memory.

These are the only instructions dealing with application memory, while every other operation only operates on the stack. As such, it is less complicated, compared to machines where each instruction needs variants for each type of memory access, such as CISC.

function LOAD(state) { const address = pop(state); const value = load(state, address); push(state, value); } function STORE(state) { const address = pop(state); const value = pop(state); store(state, address, value); }

Control flow instructions

One of the defining characteristics of an all-purpose computer is the ability to execute the same code multiple times, or to redirect execution conditionally, so that it becomes possible to write generic code, capable of reacting to a variety of complex cases.

Apart from unconditional jumps, which always move execution, all other jumps pop one or two values from the stack, and compare them together or to a known value. Given how common an operation it is, there are shortcuts to check for zero or non-zero values.

One seemingly-useless operation, NOP, does exactly nothing. It is conveniently mapped as opcode 0x00 as a way to pad programs with empty, non-executable code; it is also an easy way to delete short sequences of instructions without shifting part of the program, all of which are useful techniques when creating machine code by hand.

Additionally, the machine can be halted, and execution will stop.

function JMP(state) { return branch(state, ( ) => true ) } function JZ(state) { return branch(state, ( a) => a === 0) } function JNZ(state) { return branch(state, ( a) => a !== 0) } function JE(state) { return branch(state, (a, b) => a === b) } function JG(state) { return branch(state, (a, b) => a > b ) } function JL(state) { return branch(state, (a, b) => a < b ) } function NOP() { // Does nothing } function HALT(state) { state.halted = true; }

Arithmetic and bit-wise operations

The basic value of the machine is the floating point number, so a basic set of arithmetic operations to work on them is provided.

Bit-wise instructions operate on the actual bits of the binary representation of a value, and are often used to invert conditions, determine the presence of specific bits, the evenness or the sign of a number, to merge sequences of bits together, and so on.

function ADD(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a + b]) } function SUB(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a - b]) } function MUL(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a * b]) } function DIV(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a / b]) } function MOD(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a % b]) } function NOT(state) { return operate(state, ( a) => [~a ]) } function AND(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a & b]) } function OR(state) { return operate(state, (a, b) => [a | b]) }

Output instructions

The only way this machine has to communicate with the external world, is by outputting values to the screen. It is not strictly necessary, in order to perform a calculation, but we also want some gratification after all.

function OUT(state) { const value = pop(state); console.log(value); }

Finally, we start the whole thing.


Where to go from here

I only included these 24 instructions, to keep the overall design simple, yet useful, and not too distracting from the core concept of a programmable machine. However, you can invent new instructions to do all sort of useful and interesting things, like squaring numbers, generating random values, breaking into a debugger, or accessing virtual peripherals.

Speaking of which, you might have noticed that this machine has no way to communicate with the external world. If you ask, I am sure that it is dying to interact with humans or other machines. Why not provide a few instructions to read input from the keyboard, or a game controller?

You might want to support text as well. But how do you represent text, when you only have numbers at your disposal? You use a text encoding, for example, the famous ASCII encoding, which maps numbers from 0 to 127 to characters from the latin alphabet, and vice-versa.

At this point, why not add full video and audio capabilities? Some machines provide special instructions to operate their hardware, such as LINE, COLOR, SOUND, and our own OUT instruction. Other machines allow their programmers to directly control what appears on the screen by writing to video memory, which is memory-mapped to a specific memory region, so that writing a 97 at location 42 might make an a character appear at row 3, column 2, turn on a red pixel, or maybe play a musical note.

You could embed this virtual machine as part of some other program, why not? For example, you could use it to control a 3d printer, or an IOT sensor. You could even use one to script your game, just like the legendary ScummVM did.

Finally, you can turn towards emulating real machines. The IBM Model 25 mainframe played a very nice trick: it could load its microcode from punched card, therefore being able to emulate other machines, and becoming compatible with code written for them. Or you could go deeper, and add details from physical machines: limited memory capacity, fixed-sized data types, complex timings, interrupts, and so on.

Have a good night.

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